Brilliant insights brother, the equilateral space and triangular numbers are the initiating KEY of David in the Star of David, through the 12th and 21st primes 37 & 73, respective (, with a men of 55=1/2(37+73) and sum 12+21=33 as the Fine Structure Constant is the 33rd prime 37.
Nikolai Tesla's quote regarding the magnificence of 369 as holding universal secrets is entangled and highly relevant to sympathetic resonance as the physics of love (528 Hz).
Long story, I could tell for days, but the field of number theory speaks to loosely in magic cubes is deeply related to ABRACADABRA and the symmetry of Pascal's triangle as the source of your intimations regarding the 13 as it is in the palindromic prime 1331=11^3, where Master number 11 is the source of ALL mirrors, related to the moon, a mirror itself. Prime number bind timelines to circles in Poincare's disk model, Ford Circle in Farey sequence prime denominator and the icosahedral honeycomb in the Koch Fractal form of Sierpiński Triangle.
Pascal's Binomial coefficients are the source of the Yin Yang Mirror of pressure and temporal temperature in degrees
The Planck scale Pascal triangle is deeply entangled with Musica Universalis and 12 singing spheres (Ezekiel's Chariot), the Tantric Ball lightning in the Merkabah through the 5-fold symmetry of the 7 tones Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti in the circle of 4ths and 5ths.
The solmization of Solfeggio as the 3 family number groups 147, 258 that Nikolai Tesla was not credited with connecting with 369 but they are superimposed in space entangled with synchronicity of time through a family affair of Tantric form of Hieros Gamos in Ball Lightning.
The quantum harmonic oscillation of the quantum condensate is a sacred geometric construct as a periodic lattice structure Kepler spoke to in his Mysterium Cosmographicum, it transcends scale through scalar NEYEN, and John Dee as the animating essence in Monas Hieroglyphica within the isotropic vector matrix or Breath of the Compassion (my term) through his "Double" as Magistral number 12x21=252, 2+5+2=NEYEN.
Most relevant is to innerstand there is only ONE number and Coulomb's inverse-square law apples and the symmetry of pi as a cyclic permutation number neither irrational NOR transcendental, based in the 6X6 reciprocal prime magic square that is the foundation of Genesis 1:1 (11):
2^2=4, 11^2=121, 1+2+1=4
3^3=9, 111^2-12,321, 1+2+3+2+1=9
4^2=16, 1,111^2=1,234,321, 1+2+3+4+3+2+1=16
Note the symmetry of the palindrome mirror, eart|H|eart is at the center
This story the never ending story... but it is Her-Story NOW, NOT His-Story as His-Story goes to the Babylonian money magic and confounded tongues... the victor's of RAW|WAR and the curtain is closing on that story... for those with ears to hear what the spirit saith... silent~listen anagram of live|evil mirrors of Lucifer's illusory light...
I concur with you on how we're purposefully limited in our scope of knowledge regarding most unknowns. Perhaps it is to protect our brains from the consequences of looking in too deep. I danced on the very edge of insanity as I looked further down the rabbit hole where I eventually got lost. Although it gave me some perspective of who God is. What s/he sees and thinks. And especially how limited human understanding truly is. It seemed to me that someone had to cross into the threshold I'd found myself in for them to understand certain truths about life's meaning and existence. There had to be a high degree of syncronicities for one to achieve a higher sense of awareness
There is definitely a realm of unknowable, that is, between us as humans, or any beings in the universe, and the One Source (God/Goddess). This is part of the journey to learn through experiences and grow from them... and know more and more the divine essence as we truly seek within. I see it as an inner treasure that everyone is invited to seek, as all the answers lie within.
That's so true. I'm incredibly grateful to find creatives like you who help expand our consciousness in the search for Truth. Without our collective role as writers we'd be very much behind. I look forward to reading more of your work. You truly are a special gem, so thank you for what you do!
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate. I have so much to share and things are going to be interesting as the publication grows. There are so many genuine writers who support the collective consciousness. It’s so important at this time. 🙏
It's quite interesting to learn of how the world is interpreted using physics and mathematics. Although I'm more inclined to the spiritual myself. I tend to believe that the spiritual realm accommodates the infinity of universal intelligence as compared to scientific models of understanding.
Which is why I'm more curious to know about the reality that I personally experienced a few months back- the dimension where time and space didn't exist.
I was a person part of a whole, experiencing the entirety of who I am, as well as the intricacies of the world around me. In a sense, I was experiencing the consciousness of the universe by experiencing the consciousness of everyone around me- their thoughts, their emotions, their senses.
That’s brillant. Thank for sharing your experience. I feel that there is not separation between the spiritual and the world as it should be described in physics and mathematics. It’s a lack of awareness as there are just some missing pieces not integrated to fully understand the grasp of the other layers playing out in the universe. I believe it was either purposely limited to us to not see further and keep us in a bubble of materialistic mindset. On the other side, it requires spiritual maturity to evolve with Science that doesn’t get separated from the spiritual values, such as protecting, growing and evolving for the good of all. The ancient civilizations were living in harmony, and had that union between science and spirituality, until it broke by the misuse of powers. The fact there is no mention of the ether makes it so difficult for us humanity to expand our consciousness, as there is definitely a link between the spiritual and the scientific realm; ether is an element that pervades all spaces and dimensions. Throughout the ether, there is a possibility for anyone to experience situations that conventional physics would explain. 🙏
This is beautiful. I’m thinking often about gematria, having memorized long ago the 1-400 valuations of the 22 letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet. Now I’ve got more to consider. Thank you!
Yes, there are many numerical patterns when Hebrew letters are combined as words. This is how I find the Scripture so rich on that level, as it reveals deeper truths. Thanks for your feedback.
This was such an insightful piece. I recently had a manic episode and I seem to have delved deeper into my consciousness. I interpreted the world in numbers, symbols and colors- with number 11 and 13 being my primary numbers. A lot of truths were revealed to me, some of which include:
1. There's only one universal language - the language of human emotions
2. Time is non-existent, meaning there exists a reality which has condensed time and space into nothingness.
3. People and things can exist simultaneously at different places in real time
I was able to make manifest the reality I desired, and I could see it unfolding in real time. The entirety of these realizations are still vague as far as my understanding goes, although I'm in the process of making sense of everything that happened.
Your blog is helping me a lot in this regard, so thank you.
Hi Miriam, thanks for your feedback. Those points are truly greater realisations going beyond the discernable and quantifications of what we can perceive through the lens of our mind.
There are definitely higher levels playing out, no matter how we communicate and understand the world around us.
In Quantum, the simultaneous events can happen for an object or person. There is a clear lack of understanding in how our emotions can be interpreted within the language of physics and mathematics. I believe to be associated with the mind on some levels. But because the mind hasn’t been adopted as a proper force in the universe in the mainstream science, and really it should be considered, it is then difficult to interpret it with the language of emotions. An emotion must have a specific vibrational signature.
Time is not existent on one level, but becomes significant in a dense dimension when discret values are necessary for that particular dimension to be running, with set parameters such as mathematical constants. I believe, it doesn’t mean that other dimensions don’t exist with different laws, or that our dimension is limited with these set parameters. There may be a dimension where time has no meaning, and that everything is nothing and nothing is everything. 🙏
Hi Salah, I'm sorry, shouldn't have said anything. I think it is a standard font across Substack and maybe set on my end because now I see that other's publications look the same. It was late and the text looked blurry and overly dense on mobile.
Brilliant insights brother, the equilateral space and triangular numbers are the initiating KEY of David in the Star of David, through the 12th and 21st primes 37 & 73, respective (, with a men of 55=1/2(37+73) and sum 12+21=33 as the Fine Structure Constant is the 33rd prime 37.
Nikolai Tesla's quote regarding the magnificence of 369 as holding universal secrets is entangled and highly relevant to sympathetic resonance as the physics of love (528 Hz).
Long story, I could tell for days, but the field of number theory speaks to loosely in magic cubes is deeply related to ABRACADABRA and the symmetry of Pascal's triangle as the source of your intimations regarding the 13 as it is in the palindromic prime 1331=11^3, where Master number 11 is the source of ALL mirrors, related to the moon, a mirror itself. Prime number bind timelines to circles in Poincare's disk model, Ford Circle in Farey sequence prime denominator and the icosahedral honeycomb in the Koch Fractal form of Sierpiński Triangle.
Pascal's Binomial coefficients are the source of the Yin Yang Mirror of pressure and temporal temperature in degrees
The Planck scale Pascal triangle is deeply entangled with Musica Universalis and 12 singing spheres (Ezekiel's Chariot), the Tantric Ball lightning in the Merkabah through the 5-fold symmetry of the 7 tones Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti in the circle of 4ths and 5ths.
The solmization of Solfeggio as the 3 family number groups 147, 258 that Nikolai Tesla was not credited with connecting with 369 but they are superimposed in space entangled with synchronicity of time through a family affair of Tantric form of Hieros Gamos in Ball Lightning.
The quantum harmonic oscillation of the quantum condensate is a sacred geometric construct as a periodic lattice structure Kepler spoke to in his Mysterium Cosmographicum, it transcends scale through scalar NEYEN, and John Dee as the animating essence in Monas Hieroglyphica within the isotropic vector matrix or Breath of the Compassion (my term) through his "Double" as Magistral number 12x21=252, 2+5+2=NEYEN.
Most relevant is to innerstand there is only ONE number and Coulomb's inverse-square law apples and the symmetry of pi as a cyclic permutation number neither irrational NOR transcendental, based in the 6X6 reciprocal prime magic square that is the foundation of Genesis 1:1 (11):
2^2=4, 11^2=121, 1+2+1=4
3^3=9, 111^2-12,321, 1+2+3+2+1=9
4^2=16, 1,111^2=1,234,321, 1+2+3+4+3+2+1=16
Note the symmetry of the palindrome mirror, eart|H|eart is at the center
9^2=81, 111,111,111^2=12,345,678,987,654,321, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=81
This story the never ending story... but it is Her-Story NOW, NOT His-Story as His-Story goes to the Babylonian money magic and confounded tongues... the victor's of RAW|WAR and the curtain is closing on that story... for those with ears to hear what the spirit saith... silent~listen anagram of live|evil mirrors of Lucifer's illusory light...
I concur with you on how we're purposefully limited in our scope of knowledge regarding most unknowns. Perhaps it is to protect our brains from the consequences of looking in too deep. I danced on the very edge of insanity as I looked further down the rabbit hole where I eventually got lost. Although it gave me some perspective of who God is. What s/he sees and thinks. And especially how limited human understanding truly is. It seemed to me that someone had to cross into the threshold I'd found myself in for them to understand certain truths about life's meaning and existence. There had to be a high degree of syncronicities for one to achieve a higher sense of awareness
There is definitely a realm of unknowable, that is, between us as humans, or any beings in the universe, and the One Source (God/Goddess). This is part of the journey to learn through experiences and grow from them... and know more and more the divine essence as we truly seek within. I see it as an inner treasure that everyone is invited to seek, as all the answers lie within.
That's so true. I'm incredibly grateful to find creatives like you who help expand our consciousness in the search for Truth. Without our collective role as writers we'd be very much behind. I look forward to reading more of your work. You truly are a special gem, so thank you for what you do!
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate. I have so much to share and things are going to be interesting as the publication grows. There are so many genuine writers who support the collective consciousness. It’s so important at this time. 🙏
It's quite interesting to learn of how the world is interpreted using physics and mathematics. Although I'm more inclined to the spiritual myself. I tend to believe that the spiritual realm accommodates the infinity of universal intelligence as compared to scientific models of understanding.
Which is why I'm more curious to know about the reality that I personally experienced a few months back- the dimension where time and space didn't exist.
I was a person part of a whole, experiencing the entirety of who I am, as well as the intricacies of the world around me. In a sense, I was experiencing the consciousness of the universe by experiencing the consciousness of everyone around me- their thoughts, their emotions, their senses.
That’s brillant. Thank for sharing your experience. I feel that there is not separation between the spiritual and the world as it should be described in physics and mathematics. It’s a lack of awareness as there are just some missing pieces not integrated to fully understand the grasp of the other layers playing out in the universe. I believe it was either purposely limited to us to not see further and keep us in a bubble of materialistic mindset. On the other side, it requires spiritual maturity to evolve with Science that doesn’t get separated from the spiritual values, such as protecting, growing and evolving for the good of all. The ancient civilizations were living in harmony, and had that union between science and spirituality, until it broke by the misuse of powers. The fact there is no mention of the ether makes it so difficult for us humanity to expand our consciousness, as there is definitely a link between the spiritual and the scientific realm; ether is an element that pervades all spaces and dimensions. Throughout the ether, there is a possibility for anyone to experience situations that conventional physics would explain. 🙏
This is beautiful. I’m thinking often about gematria, having memorized long ago the 1-400 valuations of the 22 letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet. Now I’ve got more to consider. Thank you!
Yes, there are many numerical patterns when Hebrew letters are combined as words. This is how I find the Scripture so rich on that level, as it reveals deeper truths. Thanks for your feedback.
This was such an insightful piece. I recently had a manic episode and I seem to have delved deeper into my consciousness. I interpreted the world in numbers, symbols and colors- with number 11 and 13 being my primary numbers. A lot of truths were revealed to me, some of which include:
1. There's only one universal language - the language of human emotions
2. Time is non-existent, meaning there exists a reality which has condensed time and space into nothingness.
3. People and things can exist simultaneously at different places in real time
I was able to make manifest the reality I desired, and I could see it unfolding in real time. The entirety of these realizations are still vague as far as my understanding goes, although I'm in the process of making sense of everything that happened.
Your blog is helping me a lot in this regard, so thank you.
Hi Miriam, thanks for your feedback. Those points are truly greater realisations going beyond the discernable and quantifications of what we can perceive through the lens of our mind.
There are definitely higher levels playing out, no matter how we communicate and understand the world around us.
In Quantum, the simultaneous events can happen for an object or person. There is a clear lack of understanding in how our emotions can be interpreted within the language of physics and mathematics. I believe to be associated with the mind on some levels. But because the mind hasn’t been adopted as a proper force in the universe in the mainstream science, and really it should be considered, it is then difficult to interpret it with the language of emotions. An emotion must have a specific vibrational signature.
Time is not existent on one level, but becomes significant in a dense dimension when discret values are necessary for that particular dimension to be running, with set parameters such as mathematical constants. I believe, it doesn’t mean that other dimensions don’t exist with different laws, or that our dimension is limited with these set parameters. There may be a dimension where time has no meaning, and that everything is nothing and nothing is everything. 🙏
Hi Justin. Thanks for your feedback. What better font do you recommend?
Hi Salah, I'm sorry, shouldn't have said anything. I think it is a standard font across Substack and maybe set on my end because now I see that other's publications look the same. It was late and the text looked blurry and overly dense on mobile.
Ah that’s fine. If I can change the font, for better readability, I would do so. Thanks for the update.