Numbers exist in our lives, the cycles of nature, and the cosmos’ patterns. Perhaps numbers can serve more than as a means for measuring and calculating. On the other hand, suppose they provided something richer, more profound, and even had mystical abilities—a template for the universe itself.
In this article, we will explore Gematria, the ancient practice of decoding the hidden meaning in a word or phrase via its numbers. Gematria, a mystical practice rooted in the Kabbalah, reveals connections between language, numbers, and the fabric of reality. They can reach down to the very world of quantum physics or universal patterns.
The Language of Numbers in Mysticism
Gematria is a fascinating system that assigns numerical values to letters, allowing us to transform words into numbers for comparison, analysis, and interpretation. It goes beyond mere mathematics; it serves as a tool for uncovering deeper meanings within sacred texts like the Torah and for exploring the connections between seemingly unrelated ideas. For instance, in Hebrew gematria, the word chai (חַי), which means "life," has a numerical value of 18, making the number 18 particularly significant in Jewish tradition. Likewise, the word echad (אֶחָד), meaning "one," has a value of 13, representing unity and a divine connection. Through gematria, we discover a layer of meaning that goes beyond language, indicating that numbers themselves possess a unique power to convey universal truths.
The image below is a great example showing a correlation between numbers, geometry, and gematria. In the first verse of Genesis 1.1, there are 28 letters. In mathematics, this is a perfect number, as the sum of its divisors equals 28: 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. There are not many of these numbers; the first few perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128, and 33550336. It is not known whether there are any odd perfect numbers, nor whether infinitely many perfect numbers exist.
The first geometric figure associated with the number 28 is a triangular shape out of dots, an equilateral triangle representing the face of a tetrahedron or pyramid in three dimensions.
The centroid, or center of mass, of an equilateral triangle, is the point at which its medians meet. If we allocate the number to each dot, 1 on the bottom left, then 2 and 3 for the next two dots, etc. As we go along, the medians meet at position 13.
The number 13 is the gematria value of the words ‘Ahava’ “Love” and ‘Echad’ “One” or “Unity”. Ahava (אהבה) is made up of three basic Hebrew letters: Aleph (א), Hey (ה), and Vet (ב).
א = 1
ה = 5
ב = 2
אהבה = 13
Echad (אחד), is made up of three basic Hebrew letters: Aleph (א), Chet (ח), and Dalet (ד).
א = 1
ח = 4
ד = 8
אחד = 13
What is interesting to notice here is that the number 13 is positioned at the centroid of the triangular number 28, like the heart is for a human body or a dot is at the center of a circle. A lot more can be developed about the number 13. The number 13 has a rich and complex history, with roots dating back to ancient civilizations:
It is the sixth prime number, the second star number, and the third centered square number.
It is a Fibonacci number, preceded by 5 and 8.
(5, 12, 13) forms a Pythagorean triple and, as such, represents the sides of a right triangle.
The Fruit of Life consists of 13 circles, which is the predecessor of Metatron’s Cube (male and female energies combined).
Is the number 13 truly as superstitious as we’ve been led to believe, or does it hold deeper spiritual truths?
Patterns and Resonance in Nature
The universe seems to echo this principle when words link up with numbers (via gematria). Consider the Fibonacci sequence—a series of numbers also present in sunflower spirals and galaxy formation everywhere. Such mathematical patterns, much like gematria, imply that numbers carry much deeper meanings; instead, numbers are not something more than abstractions, but they are the building blocks of reality.
In many mystic traditions, numbers are associated with energy, vibrations, and frequencies. For example, number 3 could represent creation and balance (as a triad, body-mind-spirit, or past-present-future). So could this vibrational resonance explain why so many numbers feel important in different cultures and over time?
Gematria and Quantum Reality
And there we have another interesting parallel in quantum physics. Theoretically, the interaction of particles and waves lies on the quantum scale, and there is an appearance of mathematical order. The universe is like a great symphony; every note (or number) contributes to the overall harmony.
Thus, in this sense, gematria correlates with the quantum idea by stressing the interconnectedness of all things. If language and physical reality are based on numbers, perhaps numbers are a thread between the material and the immaterial, between what can be seen and what can’t.
Maybe it’s that gematria is not just a mystical practice but a deep reflection of the quantum truth that reveals how our thoughts, words, and intentions affect the energetic blueprint of the universe. To the extent of our current awareness and understanding, we might not yet understand the total impact of gematria in our lives.
Finding Meaning Through Numbers
The study of gematria doesn’t rely on being a mathematician or a mystic. Here are a few ways you can start uncovering the significance of numbers in your own life:
Explore personal numbers: Start looking for recurring numbers in your life—such as birth dates, addresses, or lucky numbers. What can they mean in numerology or gematria?
Pay attention to patterns: Look for numerical patterns in your daily life. Do numbers keep popping up the same? Think about how that might be important.
Connect with sacred texts: If you’re interested in spiritual truths conveyed through gematria, consider how numbers are used in their texts or teachings.
Experiment with intentions: Consider a word or a phrase that calls to you, perform gematria on it, and see its deeper meaning.
Conclusion: Numbers as a Universal Key
Gematria invites us to consider the numbers in the universe not only as tools of measurement and calculation but as keys to understanding the fabric of reality. Anyhow, whether you believe it to be mystical, mathematical, or metaphorical, this particular practice of examining numbers can bring you new dimensions of insights and ancient wisdom in your life and the world around you. Maybe your numbers can tell you something else?
Below is an excerpt from my upcoming book, The Quantum Blueprint, taken from the Humankind’s Blueprint chapter. In this book, decoding numbers through gematria plays a pivotal role.
All is number according to Pythagoras. Consciousness is layered with numbers and their qualities. Numbers can be taught but they come alive when combined with esoteric insights and the eye of wisdom. Everything is manifested through Divine Wisdom, from the unknowable and non-existent planes. Numbers are wisdom, but their language is very particular and covers many dimensions and layers that only the intuitive eye can perceive. It is the voice that speaks from the Heart of All and knows the language of symbols and colors, and anything presented as a form that can express Divine Wisdom. Have you ever felt that we experience a universe in which everything is perfectly aligned? Everything is connected in perfect order from microcosm to macrocosm. From the beginning to the end, from the Alpha to the Omega, from the Aleph to the Tav, everything is witnessed by the Divine Eye.
From the perspective of the bigger picture, each individual is not just a person, but contains the Whole Universe experiencing itself and becoming conscious and aware of itself. We are invited to enter the depth of the waters, where our feet can finally touch the ground. Once reached, the individual journeys from the deep to the higher waters, where the unconscious is processed. Like a snake shedding its skin, we release the layers of our unconscious parts, often unseen but felt and experienced. It is the heart which navigates the immensity of the waters. We as individuals have the power within to seek more deeply, alone at the dashboard of our consciousness, where all the answers lie.
The individual perceives through the lens of his or her mind without necessarily having a conscious concrete and spontaneous experience of their divine blueprint.
Salah-Eddin Gherbi, The Quantum Blueprint,
Chapter: Humankind’s Blueprint
Brilliant insights brother, the equilateral space and triangular numbers are the initiating KEY of David in the Star of David, through the 12th and 21st primes 37 & 73, respective (, with a men of 55=1/2(37+73) and sum 12+21=33 as the Fine Structure Constant is the 33rd prime 37.
Nikolai Tesla's quote regarding the magnificence of 369 as holding universal secrets is entangled and highly relevant to sympathetic resonance as the physics of love (528 Hz).
Long story, I could tell for days, but the field of number theory speaks to loosely in magic cubes is deeply related to ABRACADABRA and the symmetry of Pascal's triangle as the source of your intimations regarding the 13 as it is in the palindromic prime 1331=11^3, where Master number 11 is the source of ALL mirrors, related to the moon, a mirror itself. Prime number bind timelines to circles in Poincare's disk model, Ford Circle in Farey sequence prime denominator and the icosahedral honeycomb in the Koch Fractal form of Sierpiński Triangle.
Pascal's Binomial coefficients are the source of the Yin Yang Mirror of pressure and temporal temperature in degrees
The Planck scale Pascal triangle is deeply entangled with Musica Universalis and 12 singing spheres (Ezekiel's Chariot), the Tantric Ball lightning in the Merkabah through the 5-fold symmetry of the 7 tones Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti in the circle of 4ths and 5ths.
The solmization of Solfeggio as the 3 family number groups 147, 258 that Nikolai Tesla was not credited with connecting with 369 but they are superimposed in space entangled with synchronicity of time through a family affair of Tantric form of Hieros Gamos in Ball Lightning.
The quantum harmonic oscillation of the quantum condensate is a sacred geometric construct as a periodic lattice structure Kepler spoke to in his Mysterium Cosmographicum, it transcends scale through scalar NEYEN, and John Dee as the animating essence in Monas Hieroglyphica within the isotropic vector matrix or Breath of the Compassion (my term) through his "Double" as Magistral number 12x21=252, 2+5+2=NEYEN.
Most relevant is to innerstand there is only ONE number and Coulomb's inverse-square law apples and the symmetry of pi as a cyclic permutation number neither irrational NOR transcendental, based in the 6X6 reciprocal prime magic square that is the foundation of Genesis 1:1 (11):
2^2=4, 11^2=121, 1+2+1=4
3^3=9, 111^2-12,321, 1+2+3+2+1=9
4^2=16, 1,111^2=1,234,321, 1+2+3+4+3+2+1=16
Note the symmetry of the palindrome mirror, eart|H|eart is at the center
9^2=81, 111,111,111^2=12,345,678,987,654,321, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=81
This story the never ending story... but it is Her-Story NOW, NOT His-Story as His-Story goes to the Babylonian money magic and confounded tongues... the victor's of RAW|WAR and the curtain is closing on that story... for those with ears to hear what the spirit saith... silent~listen anagram of live|evil mirrors of Lucifer's illusory light...
I concur with you on how we're purposefully limited in our scope of knowledge regarding most unknowns. Perhaps it is to protect our brains from the consequences of looking in too deep. I danced on the very edge of insanity as I looked further down the rabbit hole where I eventually got lost. Although it gave me some perspective of who God is. What s/he sees and thinks. And especially how limited human understanding truly is. It seemed to me that someone had to cross into the threshold I'd found myself in for them to understand certain truths about life's meaning and existence. There had to be a high degree of syncronicities for one to achieve a higher sense of awareness