My First Book
The Rainbow Bridge is the bridge between Heaven and Earth. It is the universal unified field between the dimensions, which connects all things and all nations beyond differences.
As a meditative person, I have always contemplated the stars in the sky and how they perfectly follow the principle of order.
In this book, I present an alternative theory unifying matter and spirit through the language of numbers and geometry, opening new doorways in physics and mathematics, and promoting unity in all things.
I have always believed that profound knowledge can come from within. Undoubtedly, we are all connected beyond duality or any form of separation within our minds.
Geometry is a tangible field that allows us to unify the intellect and the heart. My work aims to show the interconnectedness of the web of life through the fifth element, or ether, which dictates the behaviour of the four fundamental interactions in physics:
Strong Nuclear Forces
Weak Nuclear Forces
The fifth force, or pyramid energy, is not currently considered by mainstream science. Each being possesses an inner alchemical fire that allows us to connect with the One Quintessence.
We are now entering a new era with energies shifting to a higher frequency. The coming of this new era was recorded by the Mayan civilization as the time of a New Sun. Many prophecies have spoken about the coming of a Golden Age when nations will be united again. Indeed, the end of the thirteen Baktun cycle is upon us. We are all experiencing beautiful changes in this exciting time.
“This ether is a source of tremendous energy that is in constant motion, flowing in and out of all objects in the universe—just as a candle flame is constantly absorbing new wax and oxygen and radiating new heat and light, but still continues to exist as a measurable unit.” Wilcox also tells us, “Physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman have calculated that the energy in the volume of vacuum space contained within a single light bulb is concentrated enough to bring all the world’s oceans to the boiling point!”
Marc Seifer, Transcending the Speed of Light: Consciousness, Quantum Physics, and the Fifth Dimension.
Unifying spirit and matter. This book is an invitation to bridge science with consciousness. The discoveries and knowledge from ancient civilizations throughout the ages have indicated to us the existence of a fifth element, the ether. The constant swirling superfluid that pervades all spaces, timelines and dimensions.
We have all potentially felt the existence or presence of ether. However, further exploration and scientific investigation could greatly increase the potential practical applications of the ether for the limitless benefits of humankind on all levels of life.
Amongst the historical physical evidences of the ether are the famous spirals carved on the stones of numerous sacred sites all over the world. Many examples from antiquity are presented with beautiful illustrations to help the readers join the dots of the mystery of our sacred primordial fire, which is also within as without.
Although the human mind has long attempted a separation between all things, forces and nations, it is now a time to reintegrate this element and consider it as the whole itself beyond the illusion of disconnection.
This numerical universe revealed in Glastonbury, UK, deciphered from crop circles, ancient measurements, astronomy, musical harmony, mathematics and physics, brings a new understanding of the fifth element, or the ether.
This book presents a unified theory of science, metaphysics and the philosophy of divine nature and geometry. It encodes harmonic numbers from the Bible, folklore and ancient scriptures, revealing a unique template uniting microcosm and macrocosm.
Salah-Eddin Gherbi
The Quantum Blueprint