Welcome to the Quantum Blueprint Classroom!
Are you a fan of or interested in sacred geometry?
The classroom has just launched with the first class accessible to everyone:
The dimensions of the Great Pyramid in Sacred Geometry
The classroom of the Quantum Blueprint will be held in GeoGebra and Google. This is a space to learn sacred geometry and expand your knowledge in practical applications of geometry that ancient civilizations were aware of. Classes created will be notified first on Substack. There will be different levels of classes: those that are free and open to the general public, and others that will be exclusive and private to the paid subscribers. These activities are enjoyable as you learn to use the open-source software GeoGebra.
I also launch the chat as the classroom is also going live. Any student/subscriber is welcome to join the chat and ask for support if it's required, although the chat is not subject only to the classroom but also to sharing ideas and experiences regarding the insights shared in the articles being published on the Quantum Blueprint Publication.
So here we are, welcome to this wonderful classroom created and the Quantum Blueprint, and have fun as you learn along!
Those classes are created with GeoGebra, and classrooms are held in both Google Classroom and GeoGebra. It will be managed on both platforms. So whichever platform the students decide to work on, the classes will be created on both and notified on Substack before being assigned.